2023 Volume 22 : Issue 1
2023 Volume 22 : Issue 1
EDITORIAL: SfN 2023 Report: It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year, JUNE and FUN Faculty Awards
By Reynolds ER, Rhinehart E, Kang YY
A Versatile Semester-Long Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience using Optogenetics and RNAi to Identify Genes Important for Synapse Function
By Luth ES, Juo P
Supplementary Material 1
Supplementary Material 2
PopScience: Teaching Students to Communicate Scientific Findings to the General Public
By Gill MJ
Early-Career Pedagogical Practice: The Value of Training Undergraduates to Teach
By Carr CEG, Bailey K
Does Insomnia Cause Revenge Seeking Behavior? Using a Puzzle-Based Sleep Lab Educational Escape Room to Teach Circadian Rhythms in a Large Introductory Neuroscience Course
By Nakashyan B and Clabough EBD
Supplementary Material 1
Supplementary Material 2
Poppy Seed Consumption and Oral Fluid Opioids Detection: A Classroom Demonstration of Psychopharmacological Concepts
By Flaisher-Grinberg S
Supplementary Material
Using Drosophila Two-Choice Assay to Study Optogenetics in Hands-On Neurobiology Laboratory Activities
By Fu Z, Huda A, Kimbrough IF, Ni L
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Reducing Brain Injury Misconceptions and Willingness to Risk Concussion with a Three-Week Introductory-level Neuroscience Course
By Gordon RG
Supplementary Material
Primary Afferent Depolarization and the Gate Control Theory of Pain: A Tutorial Simulation
By Heitler WJ
Supplementary Material
CASE STUDY: Mapping Human Neuronal Diversity in the Search for New Therapeutics: Using Real Human Neuron Data Sets to Build Student Quantitative Skills
By Milligan EC, Casimo K, Buchanan L, Hutson B, Robertson S
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Supplementary Material 2
Teaching Scientific Literature Analysis: A Systematic Adoption of Skill-Building Methods to Enrich Research Training for Undergraduate Students
By Venugopal S
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Supplementary Material 2
Media Reviews
AMAZING PAPERS IN NEUROSCIENCE: Teaching Synaptic Transmission Using Primary Literature: A Skills-Focused Pedagogical Approach
By Payne AJ, Bills KB, Steffensen SC
AMAZING PAPERS IN NEUROSCIENCE: Unlocking Hidden Awareness: Repurposing fMRI to Detect Levels of Consciousness
By Caccamo A, Nolde G, Bakir H, Ho L, Alonso-Moreno MC, Wanniarachchi S
2023 Volume 21: Issue 2
2023 Volume 21: Issue 2
EDITOR IN CHIEF: Of Chatbots and Colonizers
By Reynolds ER
EDITORIAL: The 2022 Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience Faculty Awards
By Rinehart E, Kang YY, Illig KR
EDITORIAL: Using Open Neuroscience to Advance Equity in the Pedagogy and Research Infrastructure in Colleges/Universities Still Financially Impacted by COVID-19: The Emergence of a Global Resource Network Aimed at Integrating Neuroscience and Society
By Chagas AM, Canli T, Ziadlou D, Forlano PM, Smaddar S, Chua E, Baskerville KA, Poon K, Neuwirth LS
Cross-Course Harmonized Assignments in Neuroscience
By Branco RC, Chan TMV
An Affordable Three-Dimensional (3D) Printed Recording Chamber for Two-Electrode Voltage Clamp Electrophysiology
By Shogren ISK, Gonzales JP, Boland LM
The COVID-19 and Taste Lab: A Mini Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience on Taste Differences and COVID-19 Susceptibility
By Wickham RJ, Adams W, Jawker MJ
Sleepy Mice Case Study: Implementation and Assessment
By Gaudier-Diaz MM, Parekh SV, Penton RD, Robertson SD, Thomas A
Comparing Student Performance in Emergency Remote and Face-to-Face Collaborative Learning Courses
By Azizi Y, Hession J, Newpher TM
The NEURON Program: Utilizing Low-Cost Neuroscience for Remote Education Outreach
By Ramadan B, Ricoy UM
An Undergraduate Laboratory Series Using C. elegans That Prepares Students for Independent Inquiry
By Quinan V, Hsu K, Mann M, Barclay K, Bauer D
Quantitative and Qualitative Representation of Introductory and Advanced EEG Concepts: An Exploration of Different EEG Setups
By Hatton SL, Rathore S, Vilinsky I, Stowasser A
Smartphone-enabled Web-based Simulation of Cellular Neurophysiology for Laboratory Course and its Effectiveness
By Yamamoto T, Weitmier A, Kurokawa M
Effects of a Service-Learning Neuroscience Course on Mood and Intergroup Anxiety
By Flanagan-Cato LM, Plate RC, Steele C, Jenkins AC