2007 Volume 5 Issue 2
2007 Volume 5 : Issue 2
JUNE as the Voice for Undergraduate Neuroscience Education
by Gary L. Dunbar
Neuroscience and the Liberal Arts
by JJ Ramirez
Evolution and the Neuroscience Curriculum: A Call to Action
by WJ Pizzi
The Society for Neuroscience and the Undergraduate
by AE Stuart
Commentary: Work through SfN — but Keep Higher Education and K-12 Separate
by RF Olivo
Commentary: Toward a Better Neuroscience Tomorrow: Thoughts on the Society for Neuroscience and the Undergraduate
by EP Wiertelak
Teaching About the Brain and Reaching the Community: Undergraduates in the Pipeline Neuroscience Program at the University of Pennsylvania
by BL Edlow, K Hamilton, & RH Hamilton
Methods for Handling Missing Data in the Behavioral Neurosciences: Don’t Throw the Baby Rat out with the Bath Water
by LH Rubin, K Witkiewitz, J St. Andre, & S Reilly
The Use of Case Studies in Teaching Undergraduate Neuroscience
by WM Meil
An Undergraduate Neuroscience Seminar Based on the Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience
by DJ Bucci & WA Falls
IFEL TOUR: A Description of the Introduction to FUN Electrophysiology Labs Workshop at Bowdoin College, July 27-30, and the Resultant Faculty Learning Community
by K Mead, J Dearworth, W Grisham, GA Herin, H Jarrard, CA Paul, R Waldeck, J Yates, & J Young
Use of the Pyrithiamine-Induced Thiamine Deficient Animal Model of Korskoff’s Syndrome for Exploratory Research Activities in Undergraduate Physiological Psychology
by RW Flint, Jr; JE Hill; LA Sandusky; & CL Marino
Utility and Versatility of Extracellar Recordings from the Cockroach for Neurophysiological Instruction and Demonstration
by RL Ramos, A Moiseff, & JC Brumberg
Supplemental Matieral : NOTE You must have Quicktime Player 6 installed to watch the movies.
2006 Volume 5 Issue 1
2006 Volume 5 : Issue 1
Literature and the History of Neuroscience
by M Harrington
Interview: Neuroethologist Ron Hoy on College, Careers, and Crawdads
by J Ruble
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI): A Brief Exercise for an Undergraduate Laboratory Course
by MW Hurd & DJ Vincent
Collaborative Research in Teaching: Collaboration between Laboratory Courses at Neighboring Institutions
by JR Yates, N Curtis, & SJ Ramus
Cultivation of an Interdisciplinary, Research-Based Neuroscience Minor at Hope College
by LA Chase, J Stewart, & CC Barney
Using Biographies to Illustrate the Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Dynamics of Science
by M Mori & S Larson
Media Reviews
Technology Review: Data Acquisition and Display for Electrophysiology: PC Oscilloscopes
by S George
Textbook Review: Discovering Biological Psychology
reviewed by G Brosnan-Watters
Media Review: The Neuron Connection: Modeling Parkinson’s Disease
reviewed by AE Pollack
Media Review: Resources for Teaching Mammalian Neuroanatomy Using Sheep Brains
reviewed by W Grisham