2005 Volume 4 Issue 1
2005 Volume 4 : Issue 1
A Rationale and Outline for an Undergraduate Course on the Philosophy and History of Science for Life Science Students
by PE Hockberger & RJ Miller
Demonstrating the Temperature Sensitivity of Synaptic Transmission in a Drosophila Mutant
by JL Krans, PK Rivlin, & RR Hoy
Supplemental Material:
Tools for Physiology Labs: An Inexpensive Means of Temperature Control
by JL Krans & RR Hoy
Get the Rhythm: Modeling Neuronal Activity
by P Meuth, SG Meuth, D Jacobi, T Broicher, H-C Pape, & T Budde
Writing to Learn: An Evaluation of the Calibrated Peer Review™ Program in Two Neuroscience Courses
by JR Prichard
Media Reviews
Textbook Review: Behavioral Neurobiology. An integrative approach.
reviewed by JM Wotton
2005 Volume 3 Issue 2
2005 Volume 3 : Issue 2
The Clinical Neuroscience Course: Viewing Mental Health from Neurobiological Perspectives
by KG Lambert
Promoting Information Competency in Biological Psychology
by LA Freberg and G Brosnan-Watters
Use of the Herb Gymnema sylvestre to Illustrate the Principles of Gustatory Sensation: An Undergraduate Neuroscience Laboratory Exercise
by JA Schroeder and E Flannery-Schroeder
Column Chromatography Analysis of Brain Tissue: An Advanced Laboratory Exercise for Neuroscience Majors
by WH Church
Media Reviews
BOOK REVIEW: Writing With Style: APA Style Made Easy, Third Edition
reviewed by KS Multhaup
OF NOTE: Brief Reviews of Resources for Undergraduate Neuroscience Educators
collected by B Lom
2004 Volume 3 Issue 1
2004 Volume 3 : Issue 1
An Inexpensive Alternative to Commercial Infrared Sensors
by WJ Wilson
Reconstructing the Paradigm: Teaching Across the Disciplines
by C Brown & A Pollack
Emotional Arousal, Blood Glucose Levels, and Memory Modulation: Three Laboratory Exercises in Cognitive Neuroscience
by RW Flint, Jr
Tools for Physiology Labs: Inexpensive Equipment for Physiological Stimulation
by BR Land, BR Johnson, RA Wyttenbach, & RR Hoy
Allegheny College Hosts Neuroscience and Humanities Summer Institute
by EM Macel
Helping Students Get Into Graduate School
by BA Fischer & MJ Zigmond
2004 Volume 2 Issue 2
2004 Volume 2 : Issue 2
Technical Note: Distributing Digital Video to Multiple Computers
-by JA Murray
Supplemental Material : Laboratory Handout
Measuring Salivary Cortisol in the Behavioral Neuroscience Laboratory
-by BA Kalman, RE Grahn
Northeast Under/graduate Organization for Neuroscience, A Regional Neuroscience Meeting for Undergraduates, Graduate Students, and Faculty
-by CA Frye, KL Edinger
Media Reviews
Book Review: Nature via Nurture: Genes, Experience, and What Makes Us Human
-reviewed by WJ Pizzi
Book Review: The Compleat Academic: A Career Guide
-reviewed by AM Kazama
Media Review: Neurons in Action: Computer Simulations with NeuroLab
-reviewed by SR Barry
Media Review: A Comparison of Two Programs for the Control of Behavioral Experiments
-reviewed by WJ Wilson
2003 Volume 2 Issue 1
2003 Volume 2 : Issue 1
Experimental Methods in Neuroscience: An Undergraduate Neuroscience Laboratory Course for Teaching Ethical Issues, Laboratory Techniques, Experimental Design, and Analysis
-by AC Hall & ME Harrington
An Online Multimedia Resource in Behavioral Neuroscience
-by DM Lane & Z Tang
An Online Lab Manual for Neurophysiology
-by RF Olivo
Supplemental Materials: Links to lab instructions, videos, and examples from the paper.
- List of labs and videos (with links)
- Home page for lecture course
- Figure 1: pop-up photos (Lab 2)
- Figure 2: background material (Lab 6)
- Serial sections through crayfish ganglia: on the anatomy Supplement page on Brian Mulloney’s Web site, Mulloney et al. (2003)
- Bibliography on crayfish swimmeret system
- Sites that list self-published materials: Merlot BiosciEdNet (neurobiology section)
- Web authoring guide (Lynch & Horton 2001):
Evaluation of an Undergraduate Neuroscience Research Program at the University of Kentucky
-by DJ Gould & B MacPherson
Sex Differences and Organizational Effects of Androgen in Spinal Cord Motor Nuclei
-by W Grisham, HB Jones, & SH Park
Supplemental Materials: Links to lab instructions, images, and examples from the paper.
Spinal nucleus bulbocavernosus (SNB)
- Sample images (in .zip format)
- Full set (80 MB file in .zip format)
Retrodorsal dorsal lateral nucleus (RDLN)
- Sample images (in .zip format)
- Full set (80 MB file in .zip format)
Other documents:
- Calibration image
- Experimental groups key
- Sample Grading Key
- In April 2005 UCLA also made the images in this exercise available for downloading (168 Mb file size)
2003 Volume 1 Issue 2
2003 Volume 1 Issue 2
Teaching Neuroscience at a Religious Institution: Pedagogical Models for Handling Neuroscience and Theology
-by WM Struthers
Testing the Relationship Between Levels of Endogenous Testosterone and Physiological Responses to Facial Expressions in Men: An Experiment Conducted by Students in an Undergraduate Behavioral Neuroscience Class
-by RR Thompson & K George
Integrated Undergraduate Research Experience for the Study of Brain Injury
-by CL Barnes, M Sierra, & ER Delay
Mentoring Undergraduate Students in Neuroscience Research: A Model System at Baldwin-Wallace College
-by GA Mickley, C Kenmuir, & D Remmers-Roeber
Media Reviews
Synaptic Transmission: A Four Step Process
-reviewed by JJ Ramirez
In Search of the Lost Cord
-reviewed by HW Horch
Decoding Darkness
-reviewed by KG Hales
2002 Volume 1 Issue 1
2002 Volume 1 : Issue 1
The Emergence of Non-Match-to-Sample Behavior in the Developing Rat Pup
-by AG Gittis
And The Winner Is: Inviting Hollywood into the Neuroscience Classroom
-by EP Wiertelak
Exploring Neurogenesis in Crustaceans
-by CA Paul, EM Goergen, & BS Beltz
Crayfish Brain Movie (Juvenile) • Crayfish Brain Movie (Adult)
Action Potentials in a Giant Algal Cell: A Comparative Approach to Mechanisms and Evolution of Excitability
-by BR Johnson, RA Wyttenbach, R Wayne, & RR Hoy
Media Reviews
Book Review: Mood Genes
reviewed by KK Bernd
Textbook Review: Biological Psychology
reviewed by LJ Nolan
Media Review: Crawdad: A CD-ROM Lab Manual for Neurophysiology
reviewed by K Parfitt
Media Review: The Secret Life of the Brain
reviewed by G Brosnan-Watters